Welcome to Breaching the Cloud!
This site contains the prerequisite setup information for the Breaching the Cloud training. There are some items that need to be set up prior to the training by each attendee in order to have success with the labs. You will need a computer that can run two (2) virtual machines (VM) simultaneously using a total of 6 GB of memory. Both of the VM’s will need to have Internet access.
These are the primary items we will be setting up:
- Windows 11 VM
- Linux VM
- A Microsoft Azure Account (Azure may not be supported in some countries! If you are unable to register you will not be able to perform some of the labs. Check whether this service is available in your country before proceeding further.)
- An Amazon AWS Account (AWS may not be supported in some countries! If you are unable to register you will not be able to perform some of the labs. Check whether this service is available in your country before proceeding further.)
Setup Steps
1. VMware Workstation Player
2. Linux VM Setup
3. Windows VM Setup
4. Amazon Web Services Account Setup
5. Azure Account Setup
Credentials for VMs
Windows VM
Username = User
Password = no password
Linux VM
Username = fog