A custom Ubuntu virtual machine was created for this class that has many of the common tools used for interacting with cloud resources already installed. Some of the installed tools are listed below:

  1. Download the custom "CloudBreach" Linux VM from here:


<aside> 📢 If you are taking On-Demand version 3 or a live class/workshop use this image for class:


Download here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/b4sb4ncq10nj6op4x7afp/cloudbreach-linux-v3.zip?rlkey=lhwc5bgpvr9m3qenc8umve4b0&dl=0

  1. Extract the contents of the cloudbreach-linux.zip file to your hard disk.

<aside> 💡 If you are trying to extract the VM on a Linux host OS use the 7z command as shown below to extract the VM: 7z x cloudbreach-linux.zip


  1. Open VMware Workstation Player and click "Open a Virtual Machine".

  1. Navigate to where you extracted the VM Package and open the .ovf file.

<aside> 💡 If you get an error message upon importing the OVF file as shown below stating that it didn't pass OVF specification conformance click "Retry" and it should import successfully.



  1. This should open a new window called “Import Virtual Machine”. Change the name of your virtual machine to “cloudbreach-linux” and click Import. After the VM has been imported click the title of the virtual machine in the VM Player library, then click “Play virtual machine”.
  2. Login to the virtual machine as the “fog” user.

<aside> 🔐 The password for the "fog" user account is "fog"


  1. After booting up the VM should automatically check for updates and you will see the software updater icon on the taskbar to the left. Allow the software updater to install the updates. If you do not see the updater open a command terminal and manually update the VM by running the following:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y