Part A - Initial Account Setup

We will need valid AWS access keys during one of the labs. To do this you will need an Amazon AWS account. If you already have an AWS account skip to “Part B”. Like Microsoft, Amazon offers a “Free account” as well as a number of free resources. For more information regarding the Amazon AWS free tier read the FAQ here:

<aside> 💡 It is highly recommended that you set up a new AWS account that is not associated with your corporate email address and that does not have any important personal or corporate resources in it. During the labs, you will be creating vulnerabilities in your cloud subscriptions for testing the techniques taught throughout the course. In order to avoid breaking anything important, it’s best to just use a new account.


You must have administrative access over your AWS account. You will not be able to modify resources within your subscription if you are not an administrator, which means no labs will work.

  1. Navigate a web browser to the AWS Free Tier sign-up page:

AWS Free Tier

  1. Click “Create a Free Account”. Enter your email address and create a new password and “AWS account name”.

  1. Complete the Contact Information form.

  1. Just like with the Azure account Amazon requires a valid credit card to do identity verification. Enter your card number and click “Verify and Add”. Next, they will require a valid phone number to text or voice call for verification.

  1. After you have confirmed your phone number select “Free” on the next screen regarding “Support plans”.

  1. Next, you should be able to sign in to the AWS Console by clicking “Sign In to the console” in the top right of the AWS web page.

  1. Enter your email address in the “Root user email address” field and then click Next. Enter your password on the next screen then click Next.

Part B - AWSCloudAdmin Setup

  1. Next, we will need to create a set of AWS keys. Login to the AWS Console at: